Easy access to 2017 Karuizawa bus

If you know the circulation bus, you basically know everything!

One might think that taking a bus is difficult.
The Karuizawa IT club staff has gathered and tried ways to solve this problem and result has been released!

Have a look at the map below.

Step 1 There are only 3 circulation buses operating and each operated at designated places

1.① 西武(Seibu),② 千曲(Chikuma) and ③ 草軽(Kusakaru)
2.Each operated at designated places at Karuizawa station (East, South), Mitsuishi Public hall (West) and Ohinata (North).

Step 2 To and fro from Chikuma (West), the rest use circulation service

3.① Seibu has 2 circulating operating buses in East side (East, south line) (3 buses for weekdays)
4.③ KusaKaru is a WestNorth circulation line in the town.
Only 1 bus circulating each outer and inner line with each interchanging each other.
5.There is only 1 bus to and fro from the west side of Karuizawa Hospital in ② Chikuma.
In the afternoon, buses will pass through the front of Tsuruya (Toriibaradanchi).
  Outerline operating in clock wise direction while the innerline using the anti clock wise direction.

Step 3 That is to say.....

6. All buses are linked and transfer is possible. The important bus stops are Karuizawa Hospital and Naka Karuizawa Station.

    --- If you could understand this, you basically have the entire picture of the route ---

  [Transit (Noritsugi) ] and [Transfer] differences

Within the town route, buses can be linked and continued and that is called transit (Noritsugi) . The fee for transit is 200 yen.
When transiting, when you get on or off the bus, please ask the bus driver for transit ticket.
There are only 3 bus stops for transit and they are Karuizawa Hospital, Naka Karuizawa station and Shinno Oiwake station.
As for the rest of the bus stops, for example the bus stop infront of Tsuruya at Toriibara , bus fare will need to be paid again for transit.

7.Transit is possible in Shinano Oiwake station in ③ North and ② West route.
8.As for ① East, South and ③ North route (few shuttle for mid days, ② West route too) , transfer is possible at Tsuruya (Toriibaradanchi bus stop).
Isn't that simple?
Once you could understand the system, you could basically use the bus route effectively.
Exercise questions Here. A rough map for the bus stops can be seen here.

Attention/ Things to take not

・ When traffic is congested, time will be delayed for ① East, South circular route.
Time will be adjusted when reached Karuizawa station but during peak congestion period, shuttle might be cancelled.
Please take note that during peak congestion season, shuttle will use Prince road as a detour.
And also, there will be time where few buses will be interchanged during the circulation route.

③ North and ② West route will be less congested compared to ① East and South circulation route and therefore, time will be late.
Time will adjust for North line Ohinata and Sinano Oiwake station.
Time will adjust for West line between Mitsuishi public hall and Karuizawa Hospital.

・Where should I board a bus during congestion period? 「Karuizawa bus doko?」 is easy!

The rest of the inner town bus

⑥ Red bus
During the Golden Week and summer season, Tokyu Harvest near to the Karuizawa station North entrance to Miharashidai will be operational.
800 yen for round trip, 500 yen for single trip.
Kyu Karuizawa bus stop is available.
Is the fog is heavy, operation will be cancelled.

④ Kyu Ko Shiozawa Lake Line
Direct bus for Hachi Ichiba passing through Karuizawa station and Siozawa during summer season.
It is less congested route line compared to others.
410 yen for Karuizawa station to Senju art museum,4400 yen for the terminal at Kazakoshi Park.

⑤ Kyu Karuizawa Shuttle
From North Entrance (and South Entrance in summer season) of Karuizawa station, each 1 bus (2 buses rotation) passing through Kyu Karuizawa in both ways.
Adult - 150 yen each. Will make a detour if traffic is congested.

① Southern Karuizawa line has increased operation but since the line usage is similar between Karuizawa Station and Karuizawa Hospital using normal Hanayama route and pass KyuKaruizawa, therefore it will not drop by KyuKaruizawa in R18 (Limited buses).

① Kurosaki Line starts from Seibu bus Company ( Sengataki ) stand and heading to Karuizawa station or at the return route to the Company stand, a few shuttle will be using different route from normal instead (pass Kurobashi) route.
Only few shuttle buses are available.

⑦ Hoshino Resort Shuttle
Our 「Karuizawa bus doko?」 system not support Hoshino Resport Shuttle.
Free shuttle buses are avaiablce in the South Entrance of Karuizawa Station, South Entrance of Naka Karuizawa and Hoshino Resort Area.
Bus will be late if traffic is congested.

・Hotels do provide transport services.

・There are buses to Kusatsu from Karuizawa, Ueda and Tokyo area. Please see here.


Note: Using Taxi service for those stated below will safe some time from travelling.

Q.From Karuizawa to Karuizawa Hospital

A.Please use ① Seibu Circulation bus. The inner circulation route will be faster.
  It will be faster if Outer Circulation route is used.

Q.From Naka Karuizawa to Karuizawa Hospital

A1.Please use the ① Seibu Outer Ciculation (East, South) Line.
A2.③ North route. Both Inner and outer line could use to go to Karuizawa Hospital.
  Do not take the shuttle returning from Karuizawa Hospital !
A3.To and fro using ③West route
  Same as North route, do not take the shuttle returning from Karuizawa Hospital !

Q.Easy access from Karuizawa Hospital to Naka Karuizawa Station

A1.Use the Inner ① Seibu (east, south) line.
A2.③ North route, ② West route can be used too.

Q.From Karuizawa station to Shinano Oiwake

A1.Use ①Seibu bus from Karuizawa Hospital or Naka Karuizawa. Change (transit) to ② West line (Chikuma) to Oiwake.
A2.Use Shinano Railway line to Naka Karuizawa or Shinano Oiwake Station.
  Use ② West line (Chikuma) inbound route to Oiwake.

Q.Karuizawa station to Hoshino Area

A1.⑦ Shuttle to Hishino Resort Area
A2.⑦ Shuttle from Naka Karuizawa Station or walk.

Q.From Karuizawa station to Kyu Karuizawa

A1.Please ride on ① Seibu Inner line Circulation line.
A2.Using ⑤ Kyu Karuizawa shuttle service (take note of the price of inner circulation line).
A3.Walk to Tokyu-Harvest and take ⑤ red bus. (Higher fee and please take note of seasonal bus schedule)
A4.Strolling around

Q.From Karuizawa station to Shiozawa Area

A1.Use either the inner or outer ① Seibu Circulation bus line.
A2.Using ④ Kyukou Shiozawa Lake line. (Higher fee, take note of seasonal time table)
A3.Take Shinano Railway to Naka Karuizawa Station, ② North route (base on time, ②West route could be used too) to the Toriibaradanchi bus stop and walk.

Q.rom Karuizawa station to Hochi Ichiba

A1.Use ① East, South line.

Appendix: How to use the shuttle bus

It is easy to ride on the shuttle bus.
Karuizawa is a rural area. People are nice. It is not usually crowded and therefore seeking advice from driver is a good idea.
Let's use it freely!
No reservation is needed but please prepare coins beforehand.

① East, South Circulation line, ③ North route, ② West routepay later. Please take the ticket when you board on the bus.
  When transit, please ask the driver for a transit ticket when alighting.
   Free boarding and alighting is possible in free boarding alighting area, ① East, South circulation line, a part of south line along National highway road 18 bypass and a part of 1000M ③ North route.

④ Kyuko Shiozawa linePay later. Please take the ticket when boarding the bus.

⑥ Red busPay first If you are taking the bus in both ways, please inform the driver for a discount price.

⑤ Kyu karuizawa shuttlePay first.

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